Saturday, 19 March 2011


Well its been anther very busy few weeks! Time seems to just pass me by. I certainly haven't had enough of it to be updating the blog! I am going to be making a concerted effort over the coming week to update all that's been happening shoot wise with me.

So first off was a shoot with a wonderful model called Monika. Her website can be found here

This was going to be another test with the Hassleblad, putting it through its paces and practicing with Phocus its proprietary software.

We did the shoot in Alex's studio. Here are a few shots from the day. With these first images I wanted a really casual feel, the kind of thing you might see on the wall of H&M or Forever 21.


Monika - 5

The above shots were taken with the H4D, 80mm 2.8 with a Bowens 500w/s head and beauty dish, with a reflector for a little fill.


A large softbox above camera left, shot almost wide open at 5.6. A really cool feature of the H4D is the ability to flash sync higher than 250th of a second. This was shot at 700th/s allowing for shallow depth of field with studio flash.

These next couple of shots used a couple of rim lights to add some highlight definition and a little separation from the back ground. The rims were another pair of 500w Bowens heads with wide angle reflectors with some diffusion material neatly held in place with elastic bands and gaffa tape ;-)

Monika - 9

Monika - 8

And lastly from the shoot, a shot with a ring flash. A deliberately hard light shot.  It has a distinct ring flash feel to it. Hard fall off shadow because of the proximity to the backdrop.

Monika - 7

As usual thanks for looking and any comments or feedback gratefully received.



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